New applications show resiliency of child-safe package designNew applications show resiliency of child-safe package design

Lisa McTigue Pierce, Executive Editor

May 10, 2017

When Locked4Kids introduced its child-resistant package in 2014, the company initially and logically targeted the pharmaceutical market. But pharmaceuticals aren’t the only product category in need of child-resistant packaging. At interpack 2017, Locked4Kids showed how resilient this packaging concept is for other applications, such as for batteries and detergent pods.

In the video above, director of business development Wim-Henk Stoppkotte demonstrates how useful the package is for batteries for the consumer market.

He also showed another version of the package, specific to detergent pods, which have been in the news in recent years because of the rising problem of children eating the colorful pods and getting poisoned.


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About the Author

Lisa McTigue Pierce

Executive Editor, Packaging Digest

Lisa McTigue Pierce is Executive Editor of Packaging Digest. She’s been a packaging media journalist since 1982 and tracks emerging trends, new technologies, and best practices across a spectrum of markets for the publication’s global community. Reach her at [email protected] or 630-272-1774.

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