Bagger 16919Bagger 16919
March 11, 2015
A versatile, automatic horizontal bagging machine called the Zippy Bagger uses a rotary sealing head to ensure straight and even seals. The bagger is designed for premade wicket bags of either laminated or PE materials. Equipped with PLC controls and a user-friendly touchscreen, this bagger is easy to operate. The bagger is suitable for packaging fresh produce, candy, snackfoods, pasta, baked goods and much more, the co. states. Running at speeds of up to 35 cycles/min., the machine is flexible and works with a variety of bags including standup, handled and resealable types with no changeparts. It can handle bags from 5.5- to 14-in. wide and from 6- to 20-in. long.
WeighPack Systems, 888/934-4472.
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