Crushing It: Beverage Packaging in a 40-Ton Hydraulic Press

What happens to a can of Pepsi Max, glass bottle of Coke, or empty PET bottle under extreme pressure? Let’s go to the video…

March 9, 2022

Technically minded packaging professionals and packaging students are either specifically or generally familiar with a standard industry test, burst strength.

A similar and highly informal test can be done by anyone with a 40-ton hydraulic press. It’s the kind of force that could address any number of questions, such as “what happens to a can of Pepsi Max, glass bottle of Coke, or empty PET bottle under water with that kind of pressure?”

That’s what was done by the people behind the Hydraulic Press Channel on YouTube where the answer can be seen in a 6-minute  video. The process is different for each package, but the result is expectedly the same, destruction.

Spoiler alert: the empty bottle proves surprisingly resilient.

It’s also strangely fascinating, which explains why the video posted in January has 11,000 Likes and 330,000 views including mine.

Another Hydraulic Press Channel packaging-related video from late 2019 has close to 2 million views: How Many Soda Cans Can You Fit in Pringles Can with Hydraulic Press?

I don’t know where they come up with these crazy ideas, but I’m going to have to check that one out, too.

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