Most Americans concerned with environmental effects of beverage packaging, says studyMost Americans concerned with environmental effects of beverage packaging, says study
January 30, 2014

Floating litter
A recent study by Concept Catalysts and iModerate Research Technologies found that 94% of Americans are concerned about the long-term effects that their packaged beverage purchases and consumption have on the environment.
The free study also shows that recycling was cited frequently (45%) as the most important environmental concern for packaged beverages. Health concerns and economic issues also contribute to recent category declines in packaged beverage purchases.
This report "Environmental Concerns: The impact on beverage and package decisions" contains these and many other findings such as:
-- Environmental concerns are driving down the consumption of bottled
-- Although 56% of consumers cite recycling as a critical issue, many are
not recycling at work or away from home
-- Concern for environmental issues among consumers has heightened as a
result of the Gulf oil spill
-- Half of the respondents are confused about the meaning of
sustainability, some citing it as a negative environmental attribute
The research utilized a mixed methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative methods to explore what drives consumers' packaged beverage purchasers. The study sampled over 500 respondents giving a margin of error of +/-4.29 at the 95% confidence level.
Bob Falkenberg, founder of and president of Concept Catalyst says, "Our research shows that consumers think about the environment when they are making beverage purchases; specifically, the findings indicate that consumers relate positively to packages that are easy to recycle. Beverage companies should start a full court press on recycling."
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