Tea bags wrap it up in compostable metallized filmTea bags wrap it up in compostable metallized film
January 29, 2014
World-renowned tea blender/producer Twinings of London chooses a sustainable and compostable packaging film from Innovia Films' (www.innoviafilms.com), NatureFlex™ as a wrap for a tea called Everyday, one of its major tea products. Founded in 1706, Twinings offers quality teas enjoyed in more than 100 countries. The shift to metallized NatureFlex NM film meets one of its goals to use more sustainable packaging materials so that consumers can cut waste. Says David Parkes of Twinings, "Using NatureFlex as the inner wrap not only protects the tea bags, but makes it easier for our customers to reduce waste through home composting." Made from renewable wood pulp and metallized in-house, the cellulose-based film breaks down in home compost bins in a matter of weeks, according to Innovia. It has inherent deadfold and antistatic properties as well as gloss and transparency and resists grease and oil. Innovia says the small amount of metal—less than 0.02 percent—slows the film's degradation by a matter of days, but doesn't interfere with its biodegradability in any other way. ASP Packaging Ltd.(www.asppackaging.com) in Watford, U.K., converts the film into a wrap and prints it with a gold wash. The 160 tea bags are packed into a 500-g an outer carton made of recycled paperboard produced by Mayr-Melnhof(www.mayr-melnhof.com).
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