PAC Food Waste initiative set to launch in NovemberPAC Food Waste initiative set to launch in November

Posted by Kari Embree

January 30, 2014

1 Min Read
PAC Food Waste initiative set to launch in November
PAC Food Waste initiative


PAC Food Waste initiative

In response to the recent Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Food Wastage Footprint Summary Report and call for action, the PAC board of directors announced the launch of the PAC Food Waste initiative.


FAO projects that global food production must increase 60 percent by 2050 in order to meet the demands of the growing world population. Yet, more than 33 percent of all food produced globally is lost or wasted. The FAO report provides a global account of the environmental footprint of food waste along the food supply chain, focusing on the impacts on climate, water, land and biodiversity.


Bruce Smith, director of global packaging for Molson Coors and chairman of PAC, says, "There are opportunities to reduce food waste through packaging improvements throughout the supply chain. PAC wants to investigate the causes, identify opportunities for innovation, extend product shelf life and inform and educate to the broader community."


We recognize that this North American initiative is for a select few interested PAC members who will fund and lead the collaborative program (support research, publish findings, and communicate possible solutions).


The founding members will collectively create the program charter and lead the path to identifying solutions to reduce food waste. The initial founding member meeting will take place on Nov. 14, 2013 with expected project launches shortly thereafter.


All organizations with touch points in the food supply chain could participate including: agriculture, food distributors and processors, retailers, material/package manufacturers, packaging machinery, associations, NGOs and government.


If food waste is an important social and economic issue to your organization then become a founding member and get engaged now!


Source: The Packaging Association







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