Comprehensive Food Safety Measures Can Combat Food TerrorismComprehensive Food Safety Measures Can Combat Food Terrorism
January 29, 2014
Since the start of the year, news reports have listed bio-terrorism and deadly strains of E. coli as the main food safety issues manufacturers could face in the US in 2009. However, a comprehensive, ‘farm-to-fork approach’ to food safety can help combat these threats, say food safety experts from TÜV SÜD, a Germany-headquartered international technical service provider focusing on testing, certification, training and knowledge services.
The food industry faces several challenges with the globalization of the food supply chain and growing number of food production and processing companies in Asian countries. Lack of adequate attention to food safety by stakeholders in the food supply chain, such as farmers, manufacturers, suppliers, transporters and the government has led to food scares and consumer distrust.
“Building a sustainable global food trade, with special attention to food safety, should be the key focus for all stakeholders in the ‘global’ food industry in 2009,” says Kok Yoong Chong, Vice President (Food and Related), TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd. “Awareness about food safety is fairly widespread in the Asian economies. The problem lies in the execution of food safety norms.” China’s government commented recently that due to the scattered distribution and backward mode of production of agriculture in some parts of China, ensuring quality and safety has been a challenging process. However, the government is confident that with the enactment of a food safety law, which will see tougher penalties for makers of tainted products, food safety levels will be increased.
“The food processing industry should consider making food safety and quality a strategic issue rather than managing by crisis,” says Dr Andreas Daxenberger, Head of the Certification Body, Food and Feed, TÜV SÜD Management Service, “the best solution is to build food safety and quality into the production and manufacturing processes.”
Engaging a single source food safety partner can reduce risks
Risks and recalls can be reduced by engaging a single source partner who helps ensure higher standards of food safety and quality. The partner helps increase operational efficiency, saving both time and cost for its client. This substantially reduces risks and recalls and increases transparency in the entire food supply chain. The partner can also bring impartiality into the sourcing mechanism, besides providing valuable insights into how to improve product and process efficiencies.
Source: TÜV SÜD
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