March 11, 2015

1 Min Read

150343-PDX0908232KLI.jpgThe G3 vf/f/s twin-tube bagger features a welded tubular steel frame designed to allow weighers and volumetric fillers to be directly mounted to the machine, possibly eliminating the need for a support structure or mezzanine. The electrical cabinet has been tucked inside the frame, allowing total access to the interior of the machine for ease of maintenance. The bagger works with several bag styles, including block-bottom, perforated bag strips, promotional strips and display strips. Also creates notches and hole punches. The bagger also features an Insight® icon-based, multilingual, color touchscreen interface. Reaches speeds to 240-bpm, depending on product characteristics and bag size and style.

Kliklok-Woodman, 770/981-5200.

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