Kids' kit teaches bath-tissue habitsKids' kit teaches bath-tissue habits
January 29, 2014
A new, dry bath tissue and moist-wipe solution, Cottonelle® for Kids from Kimberly-Clark Corp., Neenah, WI, uses custom-designed packaging and supporting graphics to teach children good bathroom and hygiene habits. Introduced nationwide in February in grocery and mass-merchandise channels, the "system" comprises dry, toilet tissue embossed with puppy paw prints that let kids know when to tear and flushable wipes in a kid-friendly container that uses the proprietary Pop-Up® system to ensure one-at-a-time dispensing, as well as vivid graphics accomplished through in-mold labeling—a first for square tubs, K-C says—to keep kids' attention.
"K-C did research with 600 parents of children in the four-to-nine-year-old age group, and we found that almost 60 percent of these parents said that their kids use too much toilet paper and wipes when they go to the bathroom," explains Stuart Schneider, associate marketing director for the Cottonelle brands. "So the thought behind Cottonelle for Kids really was to solve an unmet need for parents."
Underwater adventures led by Cottonelle's iconic yellow Labrador puppy are the theme of vibrant, kid-captivating illustrations used on both the tissue rolls' polyethylene film overwrap and the wipes tub. According to Christine Mau, senior packaging graphics manager at K-C, graphics were adapted from those designed by FutureBrand ( for a children's moist-wipe product introduced by K-C Europe last year.
The dry, toilet tissue—K-C's two-ply Kleenex® Cottonelle with Ripples®—is available in four-, six- and 12-roll film-wrapped packs printed in six colors. The wipes, in a fresh, watermelon scent, come in a kid-sized, polypropylene tub with a proprietary construction that enables simple, single-sheet dispensing and features a pushbutton lid for easy opening and secure closure. The tub is decorated on four sides with what K-C believes is the first application of a wrapped, in-mold label on a square container.
The Cottonelle for Kids bathroom solution is also being offered in a Trial Kit that includes a single roll of dry bath tissue on a spindle and one container of wipes, both held in a corrugated carrier, for $2.99.
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