Matte finish now available on aluminum cansMatte finish now available on aluminum cans
The high contrast of matte and gloss printed on packaging has added a sensory element that compels consumers to touch; and once a package is in hand, it’s often added to the cart. A new decorating option now gives aluminum cans this visual and tactile sensation.
The Matte & Mirror Impact is a direct print solution that will be commercially available in 2018 from Ardagh. Visitors to Drinktec 2017 (Sept. 11-15; Munich, Germany) can see samples of Matte & Mirror Impact in the Ardagh Group booth, #A1.539.
Nikola Kerkhoff, product manager for Ardagh Metal Beverage, tells us more.
What printing technology are you using to create this?
Kerkhoff: A special ink creates the matte effect in certain areas on the can. More information to follow in our press release within the next couple of weeks.
On this Standard can, the background is matte and the zebra is glossy.
On the Slim style can, the matte finish is on the zebra, with the background glossy.
Did it require any capital investment? If so, what?
Kerkhoff: We work closely with our customers to understand what they are seeking to do with their brand and their business so that we can innovate and create together a package and process, from conversion to filling to distribution to retail display, that delivers on their objectives and we invest appropriate resources into each project.
How does this compete with the trend towards shrink labels on cans?
Kerkhoff: Here are several aspects to consider:
Complexity: Printing the can directly in our production process enables our customers to get a can, including the nice finishing, without the necessary step to apply shrink wraps or labels later on.
Design: The can offers a 360-degree surface for brand communication. Additionally, you have the possibility to create a united design, such as by choosing the corresponding shell color.
Sustainability: From a sustainability perspective, it is wise to choose a permanent material like glass or metal. Metal is 100% and infinitely recyclable and a can can be back in the shelf within 60 days.
Is any brand owner using this yet? If so, who, how and where?
Kerkhoff: We are currently in the process of working through options with customers to launch in the coming months. More to come later this year.
Learn about the latest developments in beverage packaging at MinnPack 2017 (Nov. 8-9; Minneapolis). Register today!
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