Naturally infused water debuts in cansNaturally infused water debuts in cans
March 11, 2015

Just Pure Water
New Age Beverage introduces Just Pure Water in 24-oz cans to the Denver, CO, and Phoenix, AZ, markets. The 24-oz can offers consumers a quick-chilling, lightweight package for the unsweetened, zero-calorie purified water infused with the natural essences of three flavors: lemon-lime, orange or berry.
"Packaging our Just Pure Water in aluminum cans was the natural solution for our company," says Scott LeBon, president and CEO of New Age Beverage. "Selecting the purest of natural ingredients for Just Pure Water and then offering it in recyclable aluminum cans combine the best that Mother Nature can offer in a package that is environmentally friendly and convenient. We are proud to have Sprouts as our first natural market chain to be selling Just Pure Water in Colorado and Arizona."
The 24-oz cans are supplied by Broomfield, CO-based Ball Corp, which notes that cans are the most recycled beverage package type in North America, and Ball's cans contain an average of 68 percent post-consumer content and are 100 percent recyclable.
Each Just Pure Water flavor features a sustainability fact about cans:
Berry flavor
Why water in a can?
Total average recycled content in aluminum cans made in the U.S. is 68 percent - the highest of any beverage container.
Lemon Lime flavor
Why water in a can?
The energy saved by recycling just one aluminum can will power a TV for 3 hours.
Orange flavor
Why water in a can?
It takes as few as 60 days to turn empty cans in the recycling bin into new cans on retailers' shelves.
Why choose cans for premium beverages like Just Pure Water?
•Cans deliver brand messages. By using their entire surface for eye-catching color designs, cans require no label and can provide features such as reclosability and thermographic inks that tell consumers when the product inside is at the perfect temperature to drink.
•Cans are a sustainability success story. Cans are the most recycled beverage container in North America, and making cans from recycled aluminum saves 95 percent of the energy required to make aluminum from virgin materials.
•Cans are good for beverages. Ball's cans are impenetrable to light and oxygen, and cans chill faster than other packages.
•Cans have superior portability. Cans are better-accepted in most environments because they don't shatter, and their durability ensures they can travel to even remote locations.
•Many craft beer brands have been successfully expanding into cans, proving that consumers accept cans as a premium package and view cans as a better package for the environment vs. glass.
The Just Pure Water product line contains no preservatives, comprises only noncarbonated, all-natural waters and joins the New Age Beverage beverage portfolio, which includes Aspen Pure Water, XINGtea (an all natural line of teas now selling in 47 states and offered in a 23.5-oz can) and now Just Pure Water.
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