New Red Stuff sports drink introduced in vibrant packaging

March 11, 2015

1 Min Read
New Red Stuff sports drink introduced in vibrant packaging

154790-red_stuff_energy_drink_v2.jpgFunktional Beverages, Inc.; the privately held corporation that created relaxation category brand leader Purple Stuff; has released its newest Funktional product... Supraliminal Labs Red Stuff.

Red Stuff with LuraLean is a hybrid sports drink that combines energy, appetite control, calorie burners and 100% natural GRAS fiber under the developing sector of weight management nutritional supplements.

Red Stuff is packaged in an 8 oz. plastic custom resealable bottle and has a suggested retail of $2.99. Case packs contain 24 bottles packaged in six resealable four pack display carriers. The case itself is designed ready for floor displays.

154789-red_stuff_energy_drink_one_.jpgIndustry analysts have previously reported that the growing energy drink market is divided into two distinct categories, sports nutritional including weight management and energy drinks which bolster replenish or revive energy levels. "Our products have a broader appeal to consumers because the benefits are multi-faceted. The ingredients are top quality and the science behind our brands is strong. The functionality of an appetite suppressant and Lipid metabolism booster appeals to consumers looking for a sports endurance beverage, and that is what they get with Red Stuff. Color represents the function of the product. Purple is our relaxation/ anti anxiety line of products. Everything Red is our energy/weight loss/ metabolism line," says Tim Lucas, chief marketing officer for Funktional Beverages.

Funktional Beverages has timed the release of Red Stuff to follow one year after its successful predecessor Purple Stuff Pro-Relaxation beverage line of 16oz. sodas and 3oz. nutritional supplement shots.

SOURCE: Funktional Beverages, Inc.

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