Packaging Possibilities: LiquiGlide’s Surprising UtilityPackaging Possibilities: LiquiGlide’s Surprising Utility

Exciting developments for the super-slippery coating include Colgate’s breakthrough toothpaste bottle, designer stock containers, and new applications such as vaccines.

November 10, 2021

1 Min Read
What's new with LiquiGlide? Colgate's revolutionary toothpaste bottle, ready-to-use designer containers, and a whole lot more.LiquiGlide


Created by researchers working in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) labs about 10 years ago, LiquiGlide is a kind of miracle coating for containers. It has a unique “superpower”: it permits consumers to remove nearly 100% of viscous lotions, creams, toothpaste, conditioners, and ketchup that otherwise stick to the inside of bottles, tubes, and other containers.

LiquiGlide reduces product waste and creates highly satisfied consumers who feel they’re getting their money’s worth.

It turns out that super-lubricating coating offers other benefits including that it leaves containers clean and ready for recycling without laborious, inefficient, or otherwise futile washing attempts — a huge win in today’s sustainably driven, waste-reducing environment. But wait, there’s more, as CEO Dave Smith discloses…

  • Colgate’s next-generation, recyclable toothpaste squeeze bottle and where the concept will be rolled out next;

  • Turnkey, ready-to-use LiquiGlide-optimized packaging developed from scratch by a renowned industrial designer;

  • Emerging categories for the coating including high-value medicines and vaccines;

  • Dramatic yield-loss reductions in processing operations;

  • Strong consumer loyalty for LiquiGlide-enabled products.



If you have a topic you’d like to propose for a future PACKAGING POSSIBILITIES episode, please email Lisa Pierce at [email protected].

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