Partnership puts spotlight on plastic at 2011 Food & Wine ClassicPartnership puts spotlight on plastic at 2011 Food & Wine Classic
March 11, 2015

To emphasize the importance of recycling while entertaining both outside and indoors, Plastics Make it Possible, an initiative sponsored by the plastics industries of the American Chemistry Council, became a partner of the Greening Effort at the 2011 Food & Wine Classic in Aspen. The program was designed to reduce the environmental impact of the annual event by recycling and composting as much as possible, and properly disposing of non-recycled materials.
As a result of Plastics Make it Possible's support of the initiative, 18 newly upgraded recycling stations were placed throughout the event to give attendees a convenient and easy way to recycle packaging and foodservice items. Food & Wine also was able to add two new Green Team crew chiefs to the program who trained the Green Team volunteers at each recycling station to assist and educate attendees on how to properly recycle or dispose of a variety of materials.
Plastics Make it Possible also has partnered with entertaining and food expert Sissy Biggers to showcase the latest trends in plastic innovations that help make outdoor entertaining easier, more elegant and more sustainable. Biggers shared innovations in plastic packaging that reduce waste and conserve resources by improving the way foods and wines are stored, transported and enjoyed.
"Plastics allow you to have a chic, sophisticated outdoor party using shatter-resistant, affordable and lightweight products," says Biggers. "Not only do plastics make it easier to prep, transport and serve food outdoors, they make it easier than ever to 'green' your party. Items like plastic bottles, bags, wraps, and containers can now be recycled in most communities to live a second life as decking, t-shirts, handy wine carriers, cutting boards, carpeting and more!"
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