ULTRASAFE FILM Ultra-high barrier | Product stability | Patient safetyULTRASAFE FILM Ultra-high barrier | Product stability | Patient safety
February 9, 2021
![Cover-pg_1540x800-B[8].jpg Cover-pg_1540x800-B[8].jpg](https://eu-images.contentstack.com/v3/assets/blta023acee29658dfc/blt070d394f793df2e3/651a8d3c7c71d375ca1f1609/Cover-pg_1540x800-B8.jpg?width=1280&auto=webp&quality=95&format=jpg&disable=upscale)
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Sponsored by ACG Pharmapack
Even though polyvinylidene chloride (PVdC) has been used for pharmaceutical packaging for many years, new grades of this polymer with improved barrier properties have been introduced only recently. Ultrasafe from ACG is an ultra-high barrier thermoformable film manufactured by coating pharmaceutical grade polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with Solvay’s Diofan® Super B, a superior grade of PVdC which is a unique co-polymer and imparts Ultrasafe its exceptional moisture and oxygen barrier.
What you will learn:
• Understand the significance of ultra-high and high barrier solutions in pharmaceutical packaging
• Get introduced to the structure and performance of Ultrasafe Films - Novel pharmaceutical high-barrier packaging solution
• Find out about the machinability and tooling recommendations for using Ultrasafe films
• Learn how can you and your pharmaceutical products can benefit from Ultrasafe films
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