'Bubble Wrap Bike' video wins 'pop'ular vote'Bubble Wrap Bike' video wins 'pop'ular vote
February 6, 2014
To celebrate the 14th Annual Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, Sealed Air Corp. has announced that Eric Buss and his 'Bubble Wrap Bike' video have been voted by Bubble Wrap fans as the first-ever inductee into the official Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day Hall of Fame located on BubbleWrapFun.com.
"We are proud to kick-off the inaugural year of the Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day Hall of Fame by honoring Eric Buss and his amazing 'Bubble Wrap Bike' video as our first ever inductee, as it most exemplifies the passion, fun and creative uses of our iconic packaging material," says Rohn Shellenberger, business manager for Sealed Air's Product Care division. "On a day where millions around the globe celebrate Bubble Wrap brand's invention, Buss' video represents what this holiday is all about and we are excited to watch him ride his Bubble Wrap Bike straight into the Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day Hall of Fame."
Buss won not only the hearts of fans, but also induction into the Hall of Fame by shooting a video in which he creatively fastens a roll of Bubble Wrap brand cushioning in front of the wheel of his bike to make a continuous stream of "pops" as he rides over it. His video rose to "pop"ularity earlier this year, as it amassed more than 1.5 million views on YouTube. Sealed Air selected three finalists for consideration in the Hall of Fame's inaugural year, including fantastic runners up 'JoJo's Bubble Wrap Praise Break' and 'Cat vs. Bubble Wrap.'
"I love popping Bubble Wrap material as much as anyone... but doing it with my fingers is way too slow for my taste," Buss says. "I thought, 'I need more noise, faster.' What a great country we live in... I'm being awarded for popping Bubble Wrap material with a bike!"
In addition to Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day immortality, Eric will be awarded a giant bale of commemorative Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day Hall of Fame Bubble Wrap brand protective cushioning. Fans can visit the new Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day Hall of Fame at www.BubbleWrapFun.com.
More on Bubble Wrap and Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is celebrated every year on the last Monday in January.
The originally intended use for Bubble Wrap was entirely different than how it is used today. Inventors Marc Chavannes and Al Fielding originally developed a plastic they hoped to market as textured wallpaper. When that idea did not take off, the inventors began to have some success marketing the product as a greenhouse insulator.
Chavannes then realized that Bubble Wrap brand cushioning could be used as an improvement from paper and old newspapers for cushioning fragile items. Once the opportunity was identified, the inventors worked hard on the manufacturing process for Bubble Wrap cushioning in an effort to create an ideal packaging material. After a lot of tinkering, they developed a special, proprietary barrier protection which prevented air from leaking and resulted in the crisp "Pop" that Bubble Wrap brand is famous for.
Source: Sealed Air Corp.
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