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Case packer moduleCase packer module
January 29, 2014
1 Min Read
Standard Knapp Pic-n-Place module
Standard Knapp Pic-n-Place module
The Pic-N-Place module picks product from an infeed conveyor and places it into the bottom of an empty case. The module reportedly can be retrofitted easily onto existing 939S and 949S Versatron case packers, and it features a variety of heavy-duty grippers for soft handling and optimum control of the entire pack. The gripping action and distance the product travels into the case is set through the human machine interface, and the color-coded docking station provides easy changeover, slide-on lock and couplings for no-error connections. It is engineered to run 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Standard-Knapp, 860-342-1100
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