Heat-sealable coating 3780Heat-sealable coating 3780
January 29, 2014
1 Min Read
Michem® Flex HS-100 is a self-priming heat-seal coating that can be applied directly to a wide variety of stock and untreated films using only corona, plasma or flame pretreatment. A converter with a single coating station and a supply of the heat-seal coating can produce heat-sealable films. Low SIT allows faster packaging speeds and lower energy consumption, while a broad temperature range is more forgiving of fluctuations in jaw temperature and pressure. The product has the ability to seal to itself from a low temperature of 60-deg C to above the melting point of PP. This allows it to be used with a wider variety of substrates with low or high melting points.
Michelman, 800/333-1723. www.michelman.com
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