BD Launches Glass Prefillable Syringe for Biopharmaceuticals 34159BD Launches Glass Prefillable Syringe for Biopharmaceuticals 34159

Designed for reliability and efficiency, Effivax supports the rapid growth and stringent needs of vaccine manufacturing.

Kassandra Kania, Freelance Writer

November 2, 2022

1 Min Read
BD designed the Effivax glass prefillable syringe to run efficiently on fill/finish packaging lines to improve biopharmaceutical manufacturing operations.Image courtesy of BD

In collaboration with leading pharmaceutical companies, Becton Dickinson has introduced a next-generation glass prefillable syringe (PFS). Effivax’s design enhancements are focused on fill/finish and container reliability to help the company’s biopharmaceutical customers meet the stringent demands of vaccine manufacturing. 

The syringe reduces the risk of line stoppage and improves total cost of ownership, manufacturing capacity, and supply availability.

“As biopharmaceutical companies continue to rapidly grow their vaccine pipelines, demand for PFS is accelerating across the globe — given their proven ability to facilitate faster administration, support dose sparing, and reduce vaccine waste,” says Eric Borin, worldwide president of BD Pharmaceutical Systems. “The launch of BD Effivax glass prefillable syringe strategically supports this growth and will create needed efficiencies in end-to-end production.”

Effivax will benefit from BD’s $1.2 billion, four-year investment announced in 2020 to expand and upgrade its manufacturing capacity and technology for PFS. 

About the Author

Kassandra Kania

Freelance Writer

Kassandra Kania is a freelance writer based in Charlotte, NC. She has written extensively about healthcare packaging for a variety of publications.

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