Does glass vial packaging make or break this energy tonic?

Jenni Spinner

March 11, 2015

1 Min Read
Does glass vial packaging make or break this energy tonic?
TONImel Express vials from Famille Mary


TONImel Express vials from Famille Mary

Famille Mary in France has released its TONImel Express energy-giving concentrate in 10ml glass vials, which come 10 to a carton.


The colored, tubular glass containers are silk-screened with ceramic text and sealed with pierceable foil seals at one end. The seals can be broken with supplied plastic straws that are packed in a plastic sachet. The vials are held in a cartonboard insert that fits into a lithographically printed tuck-in carton, complete with a cut-out window. Famille Mary also has used this packaging configuration for its relaxation supplement.


The use of glass vials for personal healthcare products has a long history in France. Hence, this pack type can be leveraged to communicate traditional values and efficacy associated with healthcare products. However, this pack type typically uses a snap-off end for product access, which could lead to cuts or ingestion of glass. What makes this packaging stand out is the use of the foil end and straw to enable easy, safe consumption. Though this innovation does provide some convenience, the fragile nature of glass makes these vials unsuitable for on-the-go consumption. For that reason, this product is likely to be restricted to home use.

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