Updated Honest Kids packaging carries strong environmental message

2 Min Read
Updated Honest Kids packaging carries strong environmental message



Honest Kids Berry Eco front

Honest Tea, the nation's top-selling organic bottled tea company, is partnering with the Arbor Day Foundation to plant 50,000 trees across the United States.

The "Be an Honest Kid" promotion seeks to educate children and their parents about the importance of reforestation and the critical role trees play in the environment, including cleaner air, safer drinking water and thriving wildlife populations. Through the newly refreshed website, www.Honest-Kids.com, parents and their children can select the region and state where they would like to support tree planting.

"The ‘Be an Honest Kid' program is a fun way to get kids and their parents engaged in our tree planting efforts," says  Seth Goldman, co-founder and TeaEO of Honest Tea. "We're also delighted to launch updated Honest Kids packaging with such a strong environmental message."

Honest Tea makes conservation a priority in its own products. The new Honest Kids packaging reduces the amount of wood pulp used to create each carton by 13 percent. That will lead to an estimated savings of 300,000 lbs. of pulp this year alone. The new, more environmentally friendly packaging now features tree-themed artwork and games, as well as eco-tips contained on five collectible bookmarks. The tips geared towards children range from "turn off water while brushing your teeth," to "play outside instead of on a screen."


Honest Kids Berry Eco back

"My favorite eco-tip is ‘wipe your hands on cloth instead of paper towels.' However I originally proposed ‘wipe your hands on your pants instead of paper towels:' but I got overruled internally," says Goldman.

"This creative partnership with Honest Tea will involve both parents and children in helping communities restore the trees they lost to natural disasters and drought," says John Rosenow, chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation.

All five Honest Kids' varieties—Appley Ever After, Goodness Grapeness, Berry Berry Good Lemonade, Tropical Tango Punch, Super Fruit Punch—will have different bookmarks with unique eco-tips.

Source: Honest Tea



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