Low recycling rates for pet food cans causes concernLow recycling rates for pet food cans causes concern
January 30, 2014

Friskies cat food
According to recycling industry sources, it's estimated that less than 20% of aluminum pet food cans are recycled each year, compared to 54 percent of aluminum cans. As a result, Friskies and Fancy Feast have joined forces to educate cat owners about the recyclability of cat food cans in a mission to help increase the total number of pet food cans recycled each year. In support of the effort, the brands have created the "Together We Can" campaign to get cat owners involved.
"It's important for people to be aware of just how many cat food cans are currently sitting in landfills," said Mark Brodeur, Director of Environmental Sustainability for Nestle Purina. "We're determined to change cat owners' recycling behavior through "Together We Can," and are excited to begin this joint effort between two of the largest wet cat food brands in the category and Keep America Beautiful."
A recent Purina survey found that only a little over half of cat owners recycle their cat food cans all the time, despite the fact they are made of aluminum and are able to be recycled. In fact, more cat owners recycle newspapers, soda cans, canned food items and junk mail than do their cat food cans. The "Together We Can" campaign aims to raise awareness for the need to recycle more cat food cans by providing cat owners with several opportunities to get involved or lend a paw to the effort!
In early February, the campaign expects to bring together up to 100 artists to create original pieces of art out of parts and components of cat food cans, recycling them for a new use. Cat lovers nationwide are invited to turn trash into treasures by creating their own "cat can art" out of parts and components of Friskies and Fancy Feast aluminum cat food cans. Up to 100 pieces of artwork will be displayed at The RePURRposed Gallery Event in April 2010 in New York City. For information how to earn a spot in the RePURRposed Gallery Event, please visit www.TogetherWeCanRecycle.com.
Following the gallery showing, select pieces of work may be available for purchase on an eBay auction site. All proceeds from purchased artwork will go directly to Keep America Beautiful, a nationwide nonprofit organization, which combines education with hands-on stewardship to make America's communities cleaner, greener, and more livable.
"Pet food cans are an unknown contributor to our nation's landfills, and the good news is that this doesn't have to be the case," said John Byrne of Keep America Beautiful. "Aluminum cat food cans, just like aluminum soda cans can be recycled. We're so pleased that Purina and its brands are helping to make a positive difference in the amount of cat food cans that are either reused or recycled. This campaign will bring all of us, including pet owners, one step closer to leading greener, more responsible lives."
In addition to the art project, cat owners can visit togetherwecanrecycle.com between March 1 - May 30 and pledge to recycle their aluminum pet food cans. For every pledge received during this period, Nestle Purina Pet Care Company will donate $1 to Keep America Beautiful (up to $100,000). By taking part in the campaign, cat owners can feel good in knowing that they, along with their cats, are helping to lessen their impact on the environment as well as performing a good deed for the planet that they both call home! For more information, go to www.TogetherWeCanRecycle.com.
SOURCE: Nestle Purina Pet Care Company
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