Packaging Possibilities: How Packaging Sustainability Connects to Climate Change
Sustainability visionary Nina Goodrich expounds on insights from Earth Day founder Denis Hayes, the implications of the US rejoining The Paris Agreement on climate change, using carbon as a uniform measurement (or not), and an exciting program for SPC Impact 2021, happening now.
Climate, carbon, collaboration, and community.
Packaging Digest celebrates Earth Day 2021 with a special episode of Packaging Possibilities, a “what if” podcast for forward-looking packaging professionals.
I’ve been doing some heavy thinking — and I expect you will, too — about my conversation with Nina Goodrich, director of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC), the leading voice on sustainable packaging. Goodrich is also the executive director of SPC’s parent, GreenBlue, which is a nonprofit dedicated to the sustainable use of materials in society.
She challenges us to think differently about packaging sustainability today — in light of so many global challenges that nations, including the US, now face.
In this 28-minute podcast, Goodrich muses on these, and other, important matters:
• How, and why, is this Earth Day different from others in the past?
• What does our country’s return to The Paris Agreement on climate change mean for sustainability moving forward, and specifically for packaging sustainability?
• What plans does SPC have for Earth Day 2021? (spoiler alert: they are super-duper)
Links of interest:
Earth Day founder Denis Hayes
All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis, edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Wilkinson
If you have a topic you’d like to propose for a future PACKAGING POSSIBILITIES episode, please email Lisa Pierce at [email protected].
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