Pop-Up Plastic Bag Store: Where Art Imitates Products and Packaging

Products and packaging in this pop-up "grocery" store in NYC raise environmental awareness and feature satirical use of plastic, even the veggies.

October 22, 2020

Ready for an impressive satirical and humorous take on everyday products  and packaging made of plastics?

Check out The Plastic Bag Store, a pop-up art installation in the heart of  New York City. According to the sponsor, Times Square Arts, the display casts a “critical lens to our culture of consumption and convenience — specifically, the enduring effects of our single-use plastics.” The timing was intended to coincide with New York State’s ban on all plastic carryout bags.

Free and open to the public October 22 to November 7, shelves are stocked with thousands of original, hand-sculpted items — produce and meat, dry goods and toiletries, cakes and sushi rolls —  all made from discarded, single-use plastics in an endless flux of packaging.

All I can add is that it’s amazing.


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